반응형 무기화학14 [무기화학] 4장. 대칭성과 군론 본문 문제풀이 풀었던 부분만 올립니다 Inorganic Chemistry (Gary L. Miessler) 5th (쪽수: 번역판 기준)p.92 Find all the symmetry elements in the following molecules. Consider only the atoms when assigning symmetry. While lone pairs influence shapes, molecular symmetry is based on the geometry of the atoms. 1) H2O 2) p-Dichrlorobenzene 3) Ethane 풀이:p.93 Exercise 4.1 Using a point in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 3장. 단순 결합 이론(루이스 구조 연습하기) Inorganic chemistry 5th (Gary L. Miessler) 본문 내 루이스 구조- H2O - CO2 - C2H2- CO32-- ClF3 - SF6 - SCN-- OCN-- CNO- - POF3- SOF4 this is a distorted trigonal hipyramidal structure, with an S=O double bond and S-F single bonds required by formal charge arguments. The short S=O bond length of 141 pm is in agreement.- SO3F- - SNF3, SO2Cl2, XeO3, SO3 2- - CH4, NH3, H2O (SN = 4) - SF4 - ClF3 - 1. BeCl2, 2.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 3장. 단순 결합 이론 연습문제 풀이 Inorganic chemistry (Gary L. Miessler) 풀었던 부분만 올립니다 3.12 Select from each set the molecule or ion having the smallest bond angle, and briefly explain your choise: a. NH3, PH3, or AsH3 b. c. NO2- or O3 d. ClO3- or BrO3- 풀이: a. AsH3 should have the smallest angle, since it has the largest central atom. - This minimizes the bond pair-bond pair repulsions and allows a smaller angle. - Arsensic is al.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 3장. 단순 결합 이론 본문 문제풀이 Inorganic chemistry (Gary L. Miessler) 풀었던 부분만 올립니다 (쪽수: 번역판 기준) p. 56 Example 3.1 SCN- In the thiocyanate ion, SCN-, three resonance structures are consistent with the electron-dot method, as shown in Fig 3.3. Structure A has only negative formal charge on the nitrogen atom, the most electronegative atom in the ion. Structure B has a single negative charge on the S, which is less electronegativ.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 2장. 원자 구조 연습문제 풀이 Inorganic chemistry (Gary L. Miessler)풀었던 부분만 올립니다2.1 Determine the de Broglie wavelength of a. an electron moving at 1/10 the speed of light. b. a 400 g Frisbee moving at 10 km/h. c. an 8.0-pound bowling ball rolling down the lane with a velocity of 2.0 meters per second. d. a 13.7 g hummingbird flying at a speed of 30.0 miles per hour.(※ 참고: h = 6.626 x 10^-34 J s, electron mass = 9.110 x 10^-.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 2장. 원자 구조 본문 문제풀이 (쪽수: 번역판 기준) p. 16 Exercise 2.1 Determine the energy of the transition from nh = 3 to nl = 2 for the hydrogen atom, in both joules and cm-1 (a common unit in spectroscopy, often used as an energy unit, since v is proportional to E ). This transition results in a red line in the visible emission spectrum of hydrogen . (Solutions to the exercises are given in Appendix A .) (* RH = Rydberg constant.. 2023. 11. 4. 이전 1 2 3 다음 반응형