반응형 단순결합이론2 [무기화학] 3장. 단순 결합 이론 연습문제 풀이 Inorganic chemistry (Gary L. Miessler) 풀었던 부분만 올립니다 3.12 Select from each set the molecule or ion having the smallest bond angle, and briefly explain your choise: a. NH3, PH3, or AsH3 b. c. NO2- or O3 d. ClO3- or BrO3- 풀이: a. AsH3 should have the smallest angle, since it has the largest central atom. - This minimizes the bond pair-bond pair repulsions and allows a smaller angle. - Arsensic is al.. 2023. 11. 7. [무기화학] 3장. 단순 결합 이론 본문 문제풀이 Inorganic chemistry (Gary L. Miessler) 풀었던 부분만 올립니다 (쪽수: 번역판 기준) p. 56 Example 3.1 SCN- In the thiocyanate ion, SCN-, three resonance structures are consistent with the electron-dot method, as shown in Fig 3.3. Structure A has only negative formal charge on the nitrogen atom, the most electronegative atom in the ion. Structure B has a single negative charge on the S, which is less electronegativ.. 2023. 11. 7. 이전 1 다음 반응형